Joe Kennedy III
Joe Kennedy III

This is our country and our home and our families. We can decide that one person's right to bear arms does not come at the expense of a neighbor's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

John Grierson
John Grierson

Some of us learned in a school of philosophy which taught that all was for the common good and nothing for oneself and have never, in any case, regarded the pursuit of happiness as anything other than an aberration of the human spirit.

Jon Huntsman, Jr.
Jon Huntsman, Jr.

People truly reaching across boundaries - be they religious or race, political or geographic. A state that is sincerely civil and respectful of each individual's pathway toward life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be our goal.

Joyce Grenfell
Joyce Grenfell

There is no such thing as the pursuit of happiness, but there is the discovery of joy.

Kim Fields
Kim Fields

Working with Will Smith was one of the highlights of my career. He is so talented and has a tremendous work ethic. We are still friends, and I reach out to him and his partner to pitch ideas. He loves my mother. In fact, my mother was his son Jaden's acting coach for the movie 'Pursuit of Happiness.'

Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand

Our Declaration of Independence was the start of a conversation about how to achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for every citizen. Our Constitution was always intended to grow and adapt as we formed a more perfect union, established justice, and ensured peace, security, and the blessings of liberty.

Lawrence Kudlow
Lawrence Kudlow

Now you know my credo: Free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. And let me add to that from our Founding Fathers: Our Creator endowed us with the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, freedom.

Lawrence Kudlow
Lawrence Kudlow

We were endowed by our Creator with the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We were not endowed by the Federal Government. We were not endowed by entitlements. We were not endowed by pork barrel spending; we were not endowed by budgetary earmarks.

Leonard Boswell
Leonard Boswell

Our nation was founded on the principals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Letitia James
Letitia James

Our evenly matched rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness require an equal paycheck.